Melissa Pappas

Ecological Communications Specialist

Melissa joined Save the Sound’s Ecological Restoration team in February 2022 to create and tell compelling stories about our ecosystem restoration projects as the Ecological Communications Specialist.

Melissa’s background in both science and art have prepared her for a career in creative science communications. Before she joined the team, Melissa had been working as a science writer for the University of Pennsylvania as well as other academic institutions across the globe. In addition to her work in science writing, she manages a SciArt community called Emerging Creatives of Science where she hosts projects and collaborations focused on STEAM education on climate change issues.

Melissa holds an M.S. in Marine Science from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, and continued her research on coral bleaching and recovery in the Great Barrier Reef at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Her passion for marine conservation has brought her back to an environmental science-focused position and she is excited to be telling the stories of the Sound’s ecosystems.

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Thursday, Jan. 16
Join for a Kinneytown Community Meeting in Ansonia, CT, to hear project updates on the Kinneytown dam removal project, meet our dam removal project engineer, and more!

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