Bearded man in a hat and elementary school kid attach trail marker to street sign

What We Do

Imagine a New York and Connecticut where the vitality of nature is protected for people and wildlife. A region in which citizens from all walks of life unite to transform struggling habitats, polluted waters, endangered wildlife, and a threatened planet into vibrant, inspiring places that sustain communities. With your passion and our experience, together we’ll keep your air healthy, your water clean, and the natural places you love safe—now and for future generations.

Saving the Sound and Its Rivers

From the Sound’s open waters to the halls of Congress, we’re there—finding and stopping water pollution, restoring fish and wildlife habitat to vibrant health, and strengthening shoreline communities. We’ve been fighting for the Sound and its rivers for over 40 years, and we won’t stop until it’s healed.

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Your Eyes on the Water

Soundkeeper Bill Lucey patrols Long Island Sound’s shores to spot pollution and speaks up in Hartford and Albany for the people and wildlife who depend on the Sound.

Meet Bill

Plant a Flower, Restore a River?

You can help rebuild riverbanks and coastal habitats one native plant at a time. Our Ecological Restoration program returns life to rivers and the Sound.

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Protecting Our Climate and Air

How do we cut climate pollution and grow Connecticut’s economy at the same time? Investing in a renewable energy future. Our advocates fight for forward-thinking policies can give our kids clean air to breathe, generate good jobs, and make our state an innovator again.

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CT’s Climate Leadership

Connecticut’s climate laws set ambitious targets for greenhouse gas reductions—now we need policies to meet them.

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Solar for All

Unlike all our neighbor states, Connecticut doesn’t have a solution for the 80 percent of us who can’t put solar on our roofs. Shared Solar can fix this.

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Conserving Your Lands

We’re experts in building committed coalitions and using the law to preserve iconic landscapes like Plum Island and the Oswegatchie Hills, protect the forests that filter your drinking water, and defend threatened open spaces in your community.

Explore the Hills

The Oswegatchie Hills in southeast Connecticut are an oasis for hikers and birdwatchers. But 276 acres of this fragile forest are threatened by development.

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Your Backyard

Learn how we’re fighting for your drinking water, neighborhood trees, and favorite local landscapes—in the legislature and the courts.

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Advocacy Campaigns

With weakening federal protections, strong environmental leadership at the state and local levels is more important than ever. Our experts work alongside lawmakers in Hartford, Albany, and D.C.—and committed citizens like you—to strengthen the policies that protect your air, lands, and waters and stop rollbacks in their tracks.

Take Action Now

Have five minutes? You can make a difference for the environment. Visit our Action Center to see petitions and letters you can send your elected officials right now.

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CT Legislative Agenda

The state legislative session started February 7 and our attorneys and organizers are working hard to make Connecticut a leader again on climate policy, drinking water, and more.

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Join the fight! Memberships start at just $25 – support that’s badly needed now for a healthy, sustainable environment over the long term.

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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