PRESS RELEASE: Young Climate Champions: Announcing the Winners of the 2024 CT Student Climate Poster Contest

Hartford, CT – The CT Coalition for Climate Action is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Student Climate Poster Competition. The semifinalists included students from Bristol, Prospect, and Enfield.   In 2022, Connecticut became one of the first states to require Climate Change Studies as part of its science curriculum in public schools (grades […]

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2023 Year in Review

As we bid farewell to another impactful year, we extend our deepest gratitude to every one of you—our invaluable members, supporters, advocates, and volunteers. Your commitment to the well-being of our environment has been the driving force behind our successes. Whether it was picking up beach litter, signing petitions for land restoration or climate action, […]

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Dana Dam Down, 10 River Miles of Habitat Reconnected

Dana Dam (also known as Strong Pond Dam) in Wilton, CT was built by Charles Dana in the early 1940s to create an ice-skating and swimming pond for his grandchildren. While trying to connect his family with the Norwalk River in this way seemed harmless—even laudatory—at that time, unintended consequences soon followed. The dam, sitting […]

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Celebrating and Restoring Our Wetlands

Marsh. Bog. Swamp. Fen. May is American Wetlands Month, a time to recognize these incredibly productive and diverse ecosystems. Across the Long Island Sound region, wetlands perform vital functions that serve the ecosystem and people. Coastal marshes protect our communities from storm damage by dispersing wave energy and storm surge, and serve as nurseries for […]

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Weekly Update: Keeping Promises

Time to Keep Connecticut’s Climate Promise Connecticut promised to cut climate pollution and protect our future, but the state is not on track to meet its obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  Considering the report issued Monday by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we cannot wait any longer to strengthen the state’s […]

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2022 Year in Review: Landmarks

Our 50th year has been a momentous one at Save the Sound! We marked not only that anniversary, but also the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, the 35th of the Soundkeeper program, and the 20th of our CT Cleanups. In October, longtime Board member Barbara David retired from our Board and Curt Johnson […]

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October Restoration Update: Recapping Community Events Across CT and NY

Each Wednesday, we bring you an update on one of our program areas. This week: Ecological Restoration. Read other recent updates on our blog. The Future of New Haven’s Lower Mill River  Last Thursday, Save the Sound hosted a final presentation for the Urban Waters Initiative Community Outreach, Engagement, and Leadership Program in the backyard tent […]

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Curt’s Thank-You: 5 Years as Your Save the Sound President

Dear friends, The time has come! Today is my last day as president of Save the Sound. Tomorrow, October 1, our Vice President of Programs Leah Lopez Schmalz will succeed me. As I shared in June, when we first announced this transition, Leah was the unanimous choice of our Board to lead Save the Sound […]

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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