Our 2021 Legislative Agenda for New York

Save the Sound Priorities for New York State Fiscal Year 2021-2022 The ramifications of COVID have left many states in the difficult budget position of deciding which programs to support and which to cut, and New York is no different. However, Governor Cuomo has pledged to do his best to keep current levels of funding […]

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25 Years for the Sound: 2016 LIS Citizens Summit Recap

The focus of the 25th anniversary of the Long Island Sound Citizens Summit—was citizens who are taking action to protect the Sound.

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2015 Long Island Sound Citizens Summit Recap

The 2015 Long Island Sound Citizens Summit, “Coming back from the Brink: Nitrogen and the Sound’s Health and Economy,” was a huge success thanks to the diverse and informative expert speakers and the highly engaged audience.

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Long Island Sound Citizens Summit a Success!

Over 90 participants spent a productive day discussing how to preserve Long Island Sound into the future

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Guest Post: LIS Citizens Summit–Time to Speak for Birds and Wildlife!

Sandy Breslin, Director of Governmental Affairs at Audubon Connecticut, talks about the importance of speaking out for the birds at the Long Island Sound Citizens Summit on Friday in the next post of our series.

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It’s Earth Day!

It’s a busy Earth Day for Connecticut’s  air, land, and water and for Long Island. Check out our press release of the exciting events this week, then keep reading for some Earth-friendly tips!

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Guest Post: Citizens Summit builds on work of Clean Water / Jobs Coalition

David J. Miller, creator of Listen to the Sound and the Clean Water Jobs Coalition, details the history of nitrogen reduction in Long Island Sound and important collaborations still active today.

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Guest Post: Citizens Summit to Look from Past to Future of the Sound

Dr. Drew Carey of WaterVision provides a history of Sound management and urges citizens to join him at the Long Island Sound Citizens Summit to forge the latest chapter in the Sound’s great legacy. 

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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