Taking Action for CT Clean Vehicle Standards

Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Sulfur dioxide. Particulate matter.  These are just a few of the pollutants that spew from car tailpipes, hurting our health and worsening climate change. Vehicles are Connecticut’s biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions, and New York’s second-biggest.   Right now, Connecticut residents have an opportunity to help combat this.  Click […]

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A Change in CT Regulations Could Be A Boon For The Atlantic Horseshoe Crab

Horseshoe crabs are often referred to as “living fossils” by evolutionary scientists, having remained nearly unchanged for 445 million years. Almost twice as old as the earliest dinosaurs, there are four species of horseshoe crabs still in existence today. While three of them are found only in Asia, the fourth – Limulus polyphemus – calls the east coast of North America its home. If you’ve spent any time on the shores of the Sound, you’ve probably seen them, or some old shells or molts washed up at the high tide line.

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