Advocacy Campaigns

Save the Sound director Tracy Brown and crowd demand clean water in front of NYC City HallSome battles to protect the environment are so tough, they require all of our tools, reinforcing one another in a comprehensive advocacy campaign.

We pull together your voices and our litigation and coalition-building experience, along with legislative know-how and specialized communications, to ensure your water is protected, the region’s special places are conserved, and a healthy climate legacy is created for all.

Read on to learn about our active campaigns and how to make your voice heard by decision-makers.

And join our Email Action Network. We’ll keep you updated on these fights and let you know other steps you can take.

Saving the Habitats and History of Plum Island

Plum Island, an 840-acre gem of bird and seal habitats, military history, and gorgeous landscapes in the eastern Sound, is at risk of being auctioned off. To save it we’re building the nearly 100-organization strong Preserve Plum Island Coalition, amplifying your voices through fun events like the Plum Plunge and online activism, working with local and state governments to exercise their rights to advance conservation, suing the Department of Homeland Security and General Services Administration for their faulty environmental study, and linking it all together with public relations strategies to build visibility. Learn more about Plum Island.

Defending Our Nation’s Climate Progress

Now that a climate denier and fossil fuel industry champion heads the EPA, threats to the climate are coming fast and furious—and it’s more important than ever before to stand up at the local, state, and national levels. Take the Climate First Responder Pledge and say “I pledge to fight for a healthy climate in my town and around the world.” When there are urgent calls to action, you’ll be the first to hear.

Stopping Pollution in the Sound and Our Rivers

To have clean, clear waters we must stop the bacteria and nitrogen pollution that runs off our streets and pours out of old sewage infrastructure. Save the Sound starts with citizen science volunteers whose data provides the evidence our Soundkeeper and advocates use to fight for infrastructure funding for New York’s and Connecticut’s towns. Simultaneously we use legal expertise to ensure sewage treatment plant standards and municipal permits are strong and take advantage of solutions like rain gardens. Learn how we’re combating water pollution.

Harnessing People Power to Build a Renewable Energy Future

Connecticut is at a crossroads, and at CFE we’re fighting to transition the state away from dirty, outdated fossil fuels and towards a vibrant, clean energy future. And that means changing laws. We partner with small businesses, low-income advocates, and towns to get more of Connecticut’s power from locally-generated renewables; to set climate goals that incentivize renewable growth and innovation; and to bring solar within reach for thousands by ending the state’s unfair disallowing of community solar. This coalition is working with elected leaders at all levels of government, rallying citizens, drafting laws, and telling the story through traditional and social media. All in an organized and active effort to mobilize people and create change.

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August through September
The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

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