Calling all beach goers, ocean lovers, and supporters of Save the Sound:
Are you concerned with the state of our environment? Do you want to help do your part to preserve our coastlines?
Sign up today as a Cleanup Captain for one of this fall’s International Coastal Cleanup events! We’ll follow up soon with information about beach assignments.
With the 32nd Annual International Coastal Cleanup swiftly approaching, it is time to start the search for this year’s Cleanup Captains! The International Coastal Cleanup takes place each year within the months of September and October, with this year’s “big day” or ICC official recognition day on September 16, 2017.
Help your community and the beaches you love by picking up trash and keeping our oceans clean. Take part in the international Coastal Cleanup in your own town! Last year we finished with an astounding 70 clean-ups and we hope to reach that number again this year.
There is so much that you can do to help! For more information, visit our website or contact Katie Nolan at knolan@savethesound.org or at 203-787-0646 ext. 139.