What We Do

Save the Sound leads environmental action in your region. We fight climate change, save endangered lands, protect the Sound and its rivers, and work with nature to restore ecosystems.

Climate & Resiliency

Leading on climate action through bold policy and projects that help neighborhoods and ecosystems adapt.

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Healthy Waters

Protecting clean water and restoring ecosystems through science, community collaboration, advocacy, and legal action.

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Protected Lands

Winning battles to preserve our region’s threatened forests, islands, wetlands, and riverfronts.

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Ecological Restoration

Creating lasting physical change that strengthens natural ecosystems to benefit both wildlife and people.

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Impact Map

Save the Sound works across the entire Long Island Sound region. Whether you’re in inland Connecticut, Westchester County, Long Island’s East End, or somewhere in between, we have a project near you.

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Latest Data & Publications

You deserve to know your beach is safe for swimming! That's why we grade the water quality at over 200 beaches around New York's and Connecticut's Sound shores.
Get your copy >

Clean energy isn’t just good for the environment, it’s good for people. An analysis by Synapse Energy Economics found aggressive renewable energy growth would lead to more jobs and better health for the region.
Read the Report >

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Take Action
Next Event

The ​Connecticut Cleanup Program is a state-wide effort hosted by Save the Sound as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Join us this August through September by registering to cleanup our beaches, rivers, parks, and natural spaces. Sign up today.

Register here


Stay in touch by joining our activist network email list. We'll keep you up-to-date with current initiatives, ways you can take action and volunteer opportunities.

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Become a Member

Join the fight! Memberships start at just $25 – support that’s badly needed now for a healthy, sustainable environment over the long term.

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Email Network

Everything we do is more effective with you. Sign up for our Email Network and start learning more about opportunities to make positive and lasting change for our region—from writing your legislators to planting a rain garden.

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