“Forever chemicals” harm human health and environment, must be phased out
New Haven, CT — Connecticut Attorney General William Tong announced today the filing of two lawsuits seeking injunctive and monetary relief from 28 manufacturers that have contaminated the state’s waters with per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The companies’ products include firefighting foam and consumer products such as food packaging and cookware, cosmetics, clothing, and carpeting and upholstery. Connecticut banned PFAS in firefighting foam and food packaging in 2021.

These chemicals persist in the environment indefinitely and accumulate in the human body, contributing to serious health problems including increased risk of certain cancers; infertility, birth defects, and low birth weight; liver damage; decreased vaccine response; high cholesterol; and diabetes.
“We applaud Attorney General Tong for bringing this critical action to make polluters pay for the severe harm they have knowingly caused by their hazardous products,” said Roger Reynolds, senior legal director at Save the Sound. “These ‘forever chemicals’ have contaminated Connecticut’s groundwater, rivers, and Long Island Sound, leaving our residents to deal with the health consequences and pay the costs. Responsibility needs to be placed back on those who’ve covered up the dangers of their product and profited from their lies and deception.”
Save the Sound’s Long Island Soundkeeper, Bill Lucey, attended the press conference. He said, “It is time for these companies to stop pumping these toxins out into our world. We are in full support of A.G. Tong’s decision to hold these manufacturers responsible for poisoning the homes where we live, the fields where we grow our food, and the waters where we catch our fish. I will be working closely with state legislators this spring on comprehensive legislation to protect Connecticut residents by stemming the tide of consumer products that contain intentionally-added PFAS.”
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