PRESS RELEASE: CT Coalition for Climate Action Supports HB 5004

Applauds provisions in raised bill that respond to the majority of Connecticut residents’ demand for climate action

New Haven, CT – Today the Connecticut Coalition for Climate Action voiced its support for  Raised Bill HB 5004, a Connecticut General Assembly Environment Committee Bill. The Coalition, a broad-based group of more than 40 health care providers, scientists, environmental organizations, religious groups, and others representing more than 300,000 members, was formed one year ago to address the climate crisis and environmental health burdens facing Connecticut.

HB 5004 re-establishes Connecticut’s commitment to addressing climate change and protecting public health and sets forth a structure to do so in an equitable, common-sense, prudent, and bi-partisan manner. The bill seeks to advance the state’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by planning for the phase-out of our reliance on natural gas, investing in renewable energy and green economy startup businesses, supporting local sustainable purchasing, and leveraging nature-based solutions to mitigate climate change.

Among the provisions of the bill are:

  • Establishing a CT Clean Energy Council to lower emissions and advance economic and environmental justice.
  • Making long-overdue updates to the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act, including by aligning the state’s greenhouse gas reduction targets with the best available science and establishing accountability for achieving those targets while expanding the palette of available tools to include nature-based solutions and sequestration.
  • Encouraging state government to lead by example by codifying greenhouse gas reduction targets for agencies.
  • Directing PURA to open a docket to explore the opportunities and pathway towards reducing our reliance on natural gas.
  • Establishing an energy dashboard to provide greater transparency to the public regarding how and where we use energy in the state.
  • Increasing our energy storage and solar deployment goals.
  • Encouraging schools to include renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements for new and renovated buildings.
  • Establishing a new pilot program to serve as an incubator for zero-carbon start-up companies.
  • Updating the state’s product efficiency standards to ensure that consumers are getting the most efficient commercial products.
  • Setting heat pump deployment targets and establishing a plan to achieve them.
  • Reimbursing municipalities for implementing an environmentally-friendly purchasing program.
  • Helping municipalities to plan for our changing environment by incorporating sustainability and resiliency evaluations in Plans of Conservation and Development.

Together, these measures build on Connecticut’s long history of innovation and environmental stewardship while better aligning our efforts with those of our neighboring states. We are hopeful that HB 5004 will position Connecticut to be successful in our common goals of protecting our shared environment, improving public health, increasing clean renewable energy, and stabilizing energy costs.

Members of the coalition continue to highlight the widespread support for climate action by residents of the state, as evidenced by opinion data gathered by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. The coalition also continues to express the urgency of action this session, citing the need for Connecticut’s climate law to match the latest science on climate change by establishing a net zero emissions target; sector specific targets for electricity, buildings, and transportation; and state accountability for meeting the goals of the GWSA.

Its four key goals for the 2024 session are as follows:

  • Modernize Connecticut’s landmark legislation, the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA)
  • Expand the pace and scale of renewable energy deployment
  • Incentivize ultra efficient buildings
  • Invest in popular energy efficiency programs that save families money, including Home Energy Solutions-Income Eligible (HES-IE) Programs

The detailed agenda can be found at

The Coalition Steering Committee includes the American College of Physicians – CT Chapter, ConnPirg, Conservation Law Foundation, CT Health Professionals for Climate Action, CT League of Conservation Voters, Environment Connecticut, Interreligious Eco-Justice Network, Mitchell Environmental Health Associates, People’s Action for Clean Energy, Save the Sound, Sierra Club Connecticut, and The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut.

More information about the Connecticut Coalition for Climate Action can be found at


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